Cost-Effective Personal and Business Insurance Packages in Corpus Christi
Affordable Insurance of Texas offers a whole range of excellent insurance packages for a variety of circumstances. We do it all! Please see our contact page for information if you would like to ask any questions about coverage programs. And for all your insurance needs in every situation, call the pros at Affordable Insurance of Texas!
- Progressive Insurance
- Gainsco Auto Insurance
- Alinsco
- Kemper/Unitrin
- AmWins Specialty Auto
- Wellington Risk
- ASI Lloyds/Progressive Home
- National Summit
- Tower Hill Specialty
- Allied Trust
- Homeowners of America
We represent several companies and can get you the best rate; call us today!
Affordable Insurance of Texas
5133 Kostoryz Road Suite B
Corpus Christi, TX 78415
(At SPID: Just past Jack in the Box
and U-Haul)
All Agents Are Licensed
Phone: 361-854-0207
Fax: 361-854-7073
Email: affordableinsoftx@yahoo.com
Business Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday, Closed
Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday, Closed
We Accept Payment from: