Workers’ Comp Insurance in Corpus Christi
Workers’ comp claims are one of the biggest threats and expenses a company can face. A slight injury can cost your business untold sums, but when you have workers’ comp insurance, you need not worry about footing the bill. Affordable Insurance of Texas specializes in workers’ compensation insurance for business clients in Corpus Christi and surrounding areas. If you have ever dealt with an injured worker, you know how important it is to have coverage, and nobody offers better options than we do.
Companies in Texas are not required to carry workers’ comp coverage, but if they do not, they are left completely liable for any injuries that may occur on the business’s premises. Furthermore, you cannot argue that workers were injured due to negligence or willfully accepted the risk of their occupation. These are just a few of the reasons companies typically find it beneficial to invest in a policy. If you are still looking for the right coverage for your business’s needs, though, we can help you find the insurance that will work best for your company.
Our Plans Don’t Leave Your Business Vulnerable
Every business owner knows that it is a balancing act to invest in necessary features such as insurance and still maintain a low overhead. You might be tempted to make cuts or skimp on necessities, but insurance is the one place you should never cut corners. If you are looking to find the best value, partnering with a workers’ comp insurance brokermay provide the options you need. Affordable Insurance of Texas offers comprehensive commercial insurance products, so whether you’re guarding against workers’ comp claims or general liability, we have you covered. Call us at 361-854-0207 to get a quote for your Corpus Christi company.
Affordable Insurance of Texas
5133 Kostoryz Road Suite B
Corpus Christi, TX 78415
(At SPID: Just past Jack in the Box
and U-Haul)
All Agents Are Licensed
Phone: 361-854-0207
Fax: 361-854-7073
Email: affordableinsoftx@yahoo.com
Business Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday, Closed
Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday, Closed
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